

Not a very well known route like the TMB, but one of the great adventures Switzerland has to offer.
A small part of it leads on the TMB, where there are many people. Beside that, the trail is very peaceful and sometimes quite remote.

Almost the complete trail is in the Alps. Some parts of it are high altitude alpine routes and a bit exposed.
Camping is not a problem. There are also some SAC huts, which offer food and basic accommodation.

We splitted the trail into 2 pieces and walked it during sommer 2019/2020.
In the high altitude parts there was still some snow, therefore you shouldn't start before July.
It took us around 500 km and a lot of sweat to complete it, but it was worth every step.

On the "Schweizmobil" page you find all the details.
They changed the route a bit. When we walked the trail, the start was in Chur, now it's in St. Moritz.
We think the new route is even better.

Go for it!!


Additional Stuff

During our hike, we met a guy named Paul Blume. He's a wine sommelier and sells exceptional natural wine: Link



Please enjoy the video of our trip with enabled sound



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